

University of Massachusetts

Amherst, USA

Prashant Shenoy is currently a Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.
His research interests are in distributed systems and networking, with a recent focus on cloud and green computing.
He has received several best paper awards at leading conferences, including two ACM Test of Time Awards.
He is on the editorial boards of several journals and has served as program chair for over a dozen ACM and IEEE conferences.
He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and AAIA.


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ivano Malavolta is currently an Associate Professor at VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and a member of the Software and Sustainability (S2) research group.
His research interests include energy efficient software, software architecture, empirical software engineering.
He was awarded the prestigious Dutch Prize for ICT Research for his innovative research on energy-efficient software for robotics.
He has authored several scientific articles in international journals and refereed international conference proceedings, and he is PC member and reviewer of international conferences and journals in the field of software engineering.


To be announced soon.